I thought maybe if I treated my blog as a type of journal, I might see patterns in why I don't as much done in a day as I'd like.
- Get up, answer 15 questions from my 10 year old before a cup of coffee.
- See two nesting hawks in the yard, (very cool by the way). Kid says I cannot go outside until Dad comes to see the hawks.
- Moved on the packaging since the USPS closes at 12 pm.
- Feed cats, and pig. Go ask chickens why they haven't laid any eggs.
- Put away grocery delivery. Weightlifting done. Well, until I do laundry.
- Family not making a move to leave, so I drive to the post office.
- Did you brush your teeth???
- Come home, throw about 50 lbs. of laundry around. Déjà vu runs rampant in this house.
- Must sit and watch the rest of Avatar. I've never seen it. I liked the blue people.
- Wash dishes.
- Force family to eat lunch. I've got to make more bread.
- Wash next 25 lbs. of laundry.
- Sweep, and see all the spiderwebs from the lovely house spiders we have.
- Work on listings for a while. Get stuck sharing on Poshmark.
- Argue with child about screen time. And boredom, and how I can give out the old saying "I'll give you something to do if you're bored. And snacks. And brushing teeth and hair. Every day.
- Played pool on the pool table; good way to teach the child about geometry (games are great for home schooling). You got to catch those teachable moments.
- Make another pot of coffee so I can have the energy to work on the listings.
- Husband is bored, what do I want to do now since I sat down to work on listings.
- What to make for dinner that will have the family jumping for joy.
- Continue drinking the coffee.
- Feed the chickens, cats and pig. Yell about responsibility helping feed the animals. Talk to the pig for a minute.
- Eat the wonderful (not) dinner. Vegan by the way, this doesn't help with new recipes.
- Put away clean dishes. Fill sink back up with dirty dinner dishes. Déjà vu again.
- Try to think of ways to be more productive.
- Look at Pinterest for creative ideas. Feel less productive.
- Guilting of tripping on my phone. Worry about the state of affairs in the world right now.
- Realize I'm having an anxiety attack, mostly from coffee.
- Need to do more listings, too tired.
- Worry about why my stuff isn't selling. Did the internet die?
- Work on this blog.
- It's 6:52 pm, EST.
It's for sale on Etsy: https://jjrizzo.etsy.com/listing/1859888600/fossil-rhombus-statement-silvercustom