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Friday, February 21, 2025

So, I haven't written about our Kune Kune pig before.  He's a runaway stray pig we found on our front yard about 3 years ago.  He's black and white, with teats on his face, and is a sweet loving pig.  We're so glad he came into our lives.  Not many can say they have a stray pig, let alone a Kune Kune.  And, he has a heart on his side.  

His name, Heavy D, short for Heavy Duty.  He's grown to about 250 pounds, and he loves his belly rubs, and snacks.  Loves some snack.  Heavy is very smart, he can sit, and miraculously, stand up on his back legs.   But the treat has to be very good for that one!

Heavy's story is funny one.  One day I was walking down our little road on my way to the chicken coop to check on the girls for the night.  I look over to my left, and there is this dog sort of thing eating.  I stood there for a second, looked away, looked back.  It's a pig!  He's only a youngster, maybe 2 months old.  

You do not run after a pig to catch it.  You need snacks, good snacks.  He'd taken up residence beside our chicken coop, kind of in the bushes.  But he was very sneaky about it.  

So, a few days of snacks later, he decided to trust us.  We led him to our old sheep house/shed, currently unoccupied.  He moved in and never looked back. 

This is about 3 years ago....

This is now!

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